Why is Art so Expensive? business of artTali RamseyDecember 17, 2020money, investment, cost of art, ownership of art
How to Build A Great Gallery business of art, opinionLowercase StaffJuly 1, 2020gallery, online gallery, how to, innovation, issues in art, problems in art, opinon
The Movies Are About to Change, Maybe Forever lowercase telly, business of artAly KanjiJune 24, 2020movies, cinema, marvel, COVID, pop culture, update, art of business
A Song of Artists and Entrepreneurs: "Hey, you're the pro, I trust your expertise. HOW MUCH?!?!" business of artMike GerbasiJune 12, 2019entrepreneur, art of business, production company, making money
What is your Art Worth? Hopefully More than this Title business of artMike GerbasiMay 29, 2019new artist, paid for art, starting in art, value of art
Meet Mike: The life and times of the Feedbackers' frontman and production company founder business of artMike GerbasiMay 1, 2019sound engineer, feedbackers, new music, Montreal
The 3 Biggest Problems in the Art World business of artLowercase StaffSeptember 26, 2018art, emerging artists, problems in art, top 3