Weekend Reads May 21st 2021

Welcome to Lowercase Weekend Reads. Our weekend reads highlight the most important articles of the week.

The Case Against Bitcoin (bariweiss.substack.com)

Bitcoin Is Civilization

These two articles are part of a debate. One for and one against Bitcoin. Great points on both sides. 

Fierce Nerds

Long live nerds. 

Daniel Kahneman: ‘Clearly AI is going to win. How people are going to adjust is a fascinating problem’

Huge Daniel Kahneman. His book “Thinking, fast and slow” influenced me greatly. When he speaks I listen.Great interview.  

What Caused the Roaring Twenties? | History

You hear a lot these days about how we are about to hit the new version of the “Roaring Twenties”. Not sure about this but this article provides some perspective. 

Marcelo Taboada