Weekend Reads: November 14, 2020

Welcome to Lowercase Weekend Reads. Our weekend reads highlight the most important articles of the week.

On liberty, security and our system of racial capitalism

Now I know the difference between negative and positive freedom. The idea of freedom is for sure a complex one. Imagine for example a person living in Cuba where his/her most basic needs are met by the government and now imagine a poor person living in the Bronx, NY. Definitely freedom will mean different things to these two people. Would you confidently say that the person in the Bronx would rather be in Cuba or vice versa? This article is on the long side but explores this deep complexity and how humans relate to freedom. 

America Has Serious Problems. It's Time to Stop Blaming Them on 'Trumpism'

Blaming Trumpism is for sure the easy thing to do and this for sure plays a big role into the U.S’ current problems. We can all agree that the social fabric in the U.S. has been eroding for a long time. The exodus of jobs has nothing to do with Trump and neither does the erosion of trust in American society. 

QAnon is indestructible

One big winner of this election was the wonderful QAnon believers. Definitely something to watch for in the future. I have met very fine and educated people who have fallen for this conspiracy, which is of course a very dangerous thing. 

How Elite Colleges Rip Off Taxpayers.

As if we needed another reason to hate these elite institutions. Imagine these institutions breed privilege and elitism and take in taxpayer money... let’s leave it there. 

Can History Predict the Future?

I love Voltaire’s saying regarding history. “History doesn't repeat itself, but man does”.

Lowercase Staff