Weekend Reads: July 31, 2020

Welcome to Lowerecase Weekend Reads. Grab a warm drink and a comfortable seat and get ready for the first of our weekly series highlighting the most important articles for the weekend.

https://www.bariweiss.com/resignation-letter : Mainstream media is in a precarious stage. Barri Weiss says farewell to the NYT. Her story is a cautionary tale. 

https://www.poynter.org/newsletters/2020/chris-wallace-masterfully-turned-in-what-might-have-been-the-best-tv-interview-ever-with-president-donald-trump/ : Trump got embarrassed on camera. Enough said. 

https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2020/07/what-pandemic-doing-work-friendships/614407/ : This article explores how confinement has affected company culture. I find it fascinating how much I identify with this. I have solidified relationships with people I'm fond of, and created distance with some members of my team. What happens when we go back to the office?

https://psyche.co/ideas/see-faces-in-the-clouds-it-might-be-a-sign-of-your-creativity : Interesting view on creativity. 

https://quillette.com/2020/07/23/why-have-so-many-american-conservatives-embraced-covid-19-pseudoscience/ : Great read on the politicization of Covid. 

What we are reading: 

-The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff 

What’s next on our list: 

-The honor code by Kwame Anthony Appiah.